Navy Blues

Blouse, Neiman Marcus. Shorts, Hollister. 

Wearing a deep navy blouse (which kinda looks more black in these pics) that I picked up in San Francisco last year (guilty yet again for stashing this away). Wasn’t quite sure how to style this caftan blouse, but I settled on a pair of denim shorts after some serious contemplation over a white pair. Still kinda struggling on other ways of wearing it…any ideas?

Stay Sunny


Heels, Zara (same pair from LuLu’s here). Top, Nasty Gal. Jeans, Kenneth Cole.

This Stay Sunny crop top is yet another victim of being held for ransom by my closet for warmer weather and sunshine. Wish I lived somewhere where it would stay warm all the time that way things like this could be avoided. I bought the heels from Zara first. Although I wasn’t sure why I opted for the orange version instead of the blue ones. My closet is packed full of different shades of blue and really lacking in the orange hue department…And then I saw this crop from Nasty Gal and snatched it up oh so quickly as a perfect companion to the shoes.

Hope y’all are enjoying the weekend! xo

Crossfire Cutouts

Dress, Nasty Gal (similar here). Bag, Marc Jacobs. Sneakers, Converse. Watch, Esquire.

If this cutout bodycon dress could talk, it would tell that it has been neglected. I have a very bad habit of buying something new (typically unique pieces) and then shoving said piece in my closet. And saving it more as a collection piece and not wearing it until quite some time after. Although in this case I will choose to blame the ridiculously long winter we had instead. I adore the cutouts in this dress so much! At first I was worried that it was too formal for every day wear, however a pair of Chucks seemed to resolved the issue.

Wishing you all a fabulous day!