Can It Be All So Simple

Top, Forever 21. Knit, Wilfred (Aritzia). Shorts, Hollister. Shades, Ray Ban.

I’ve been abusing shorts lately. I think it’s because they’re not something I can wear to work. Therefore every chance I get I loose the formal wear and slip into something more comfy for the afternoons. Shorts and crop tops seem to be it this season, worn here for an outing to grab Sushi in the West End. If you’d like to see this same Wu-Tang crop styled in a more girly way check out this post.


Navy Blues

Blouse, Neiman Marcus. Shorts, Hollister. 

Wearing a deep navy blouse (which kinda looks more black in these pics) that I picked up in San Francisco last year (guilty yet again for stashing this away). Wasn’t quite sure how to style this caftan blouse, but I settled on a pair of denim shorts after some serious contemplation over a white pair. Still kinda struggling on other ways of wearing it…any ideas?


Jacket, Miss London from Winners. Hoodie, RocaWear. Concert Tee. Yellow tee, Winners. Jeans, Hollister. Shoes, Steve Madden. Shades, Ray Ban.

Initially I wasn’t going to post this look as there is really nothing special about it. But then I got thinking…essentially this is a personal style blog. And as such, whether boring or not, at the end of the day it is my style.

Having said all that, whenever I am lazy or just don’t feel like dressing up, I fall back on my uniform: denim skinnies, concert tee and a colour layer underneath. This look features a Coldplay X&Y concert tee, which also happens to be the first concert I ever went to!

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