Casual Holiday Look

gentle fawn emma top long sleeve blouse

If you’re not feeling getting all decked out this holiday season here’s a casual holiday look to try. Whether it’s for

a holiday function or work event a dainty blouse with jeans can still look festive and elegant. As such, for this casual holiday look I opted for a dainty blush pink long sleeve blouse paired with raw hem jeans. Raw hem jeans look great with stilettos and are an easy way to dress up a casual outfit.

casual holiday look gentle fawn blush pink long sleeve blouse with 7 for all mankind raw hem jeans
casual holiday look blush pink long sleeve blouse with raw hem jeans

Jeans here. Blouse in green. Heels similar. Ring here. Necklace here.

Leah Alexandra antiquity ring

To complete the subtle look I added some minimalistic gold jewelry to compliment the warm blush tones of the blouse.

casual holiday look blush pink long sleeve blouse with raw hem jeans

On a side note, I’ve made it my mission lately to master the art of false lashes. Truth be told, as much as I love fake lashes I’ve shy’d away from wearing them because I hate the idea of putting any kind of harsh chemicals/adhesives anywhere near my eyes. I already wear contacts and draw the line there. However, since discovering True Glue (a natural eyelash adhesive without the harsh chemicals) I can finally wear false lashes without the guilt or paranoia I would otherwise subject myself too. I’m wearing them in the above photos and just had to mention it because false lashes are some next level shit lol.

And on that note, hope y’all had a great weekend and toodles for now.