5 Fun Things to do on Valentine’s Day for Homebodies

fun things to do on Valentine's Day for homebodies

I can’t remember the last time we went out for Valentine’s Day. Our last attempt ended up with takeout after it was next to impossible to get a reservation anywhere at a decent time. Since then we just haven’t bothered and usually enjoy a low key night at home. While we don’t really celebrate Valentine’s Day it is a good excuse to do something special and outside of the norm.

For this blog post I’ve put together 5 fun things to do on Valentine’s Day for homebodies – because we’re

hermits. Especially in the winter. And even if you’re not in a relationship these are all things you can enjoy doing solo – because been there, done that lol.

pink valentines day outfit drinking latte

Coffee + chat

Very basic but the point is to enjoy some great conversation without any distractions. Oftentimes we’re so distracted with our phones that we don’t really engage 100% in the convo. This is a great way to share stories and re-create that dating feeling if you’re been with someone for ages.

If you’re on your own this is a great opportunity for some ‘me’ time. Grab a book, magazine, game or whatever makes you happy and enjoy that moment down to the last sip. Try not to multi-task and rather enjoy the moment.

pink valentine's day outfit
fun things to do on Valentine's Day for homebodies

Wine and antipasto

I can’t tell you how much I love this combo. For one, the options are endless for an antipasto or charcuterie board. It’s a light enough meal where you don’t feel too full afterwards. Red wine compliments this really well and typically this is where I’d splurge on a bottle of vintage red. 

If you’d prefer to keep it real simple a grape and cheese board requires barely any effort and also goes great with a bottle of red.

fun things to do on Valentine's Day for homebodies
fun things to do on Valentine's Day for homebodies

Make dinner

And make a whole production out of it. Meaning play bartender and get the drinks going as you start meal prep. Set the table nicely with some flowers and candlelight. Basically recreating that whole restaurant atmosphere sans the overcrowding.

If you’re not into cooking then may I suggest a wine and sushi take out night.


Now don’t call me crazy y’all but honestly this is one of my favourite things to do. Find a place away from light pollution and just enjoy the night sky. Bonus points if it’s a full moon. We’ve spent many a nights staring up into the sky observing la luna, the stars and satellites. It doesn’t happen too often but every now and then we’ll see a shooting star which makes the stargazing all worth it.

fun things to do on Valentine's Day for homebodies

Sweater similar. Vegan leather leggings here. Shoes similar. Necklace c/o Bel Jewelry.

Netflix and chill

Of course this isn’t news to anyone, but it just made sense to include it in a roundup of fun things to do on Valentine’s Day for homebodies. You really can’t go wrong with movie night or binge watching a show. If hanging solo I would most likely opt for reading a book.

fun things to do on Valentine's Day for homebodies

And don’t forget to wear pink. Or red.

Happy V-Day y’all <3